How To Choose A Good Password

How To Choose A Good Password

Tips on creating a password:

  • Use a mix of alphabetical and numeric characters
  • Use a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters. Passwords are case sensitive.
  • Use symbols if allowed. Don’t use spaces because they might get trimmed.
  • Pick something obscure. Follow the tips below:
    • Pick an odd character in an otherwise familiar term. Examples:
      • Term: Blue skies Password: blooskyes
      • Term: Old McDonald Password: oldmkduhnald
      • Term: Green grass Password: grngrss
    • Use a combination of 2 unfamiliar words. Examples:
      • littlecloud
      • bluefox
      • mcdonaldpig
      • televisionfood
      • icedonut
    • Use an acronym for an easy to remember quote or phrase. Examples:
      • Phrase: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Password: AaAdKtDa
      • Phrase: Green eggs and ham. Password: g3@h
      • Phrase: Have a good day! Password: hAgD!
    • Use a deliberately misspelled term. Examples:
      • Word: green caterpillar Password: gr33ncat3rpillar
      • Word: infinite Password: 1nf1n1te
      • Word: big elephant Password: beegelefunt
    • Replace a letter with another letter, symbol, or a combination of both. Examples
      • Replace “o” with “0”
      • Replace “a” with “2”
      • Replace “i” with “1” or “!”
      • Even better: Replace “O” with “()” or “H” with “|-|”
        • These examples make the password longer but not in an obvious way.
      • Use an easily pronounceable nonsense word. Examples:
        • RooB-reD
        • Velipo0h
        • Poob-Boop
      • Use two words separated by a non-alphabetic, non-numeric, or punctuation character. Examples:
        • Mia%cat
        • Table*Chair
        • fly~away

Tips on choosing a password:

  • Pick a password that is easy to remember.
  • Choose a password that has a minimum of 8 characters. Make sure you use as many techniques above as possible.
  • Pick a phrase you can easily remember and then substitute some letters with numbers or symbols.
  • Convert some lowercase letters to uppercase.
  • If you’re selecting a password for a website, perhaps you would like to incorporate the first few letters of the website name in your password so that every password is unique. This way, if someone guesses one of your passwords, you wouldn’t have to change them all. Example:
    • Website: Facebook Password: faceGibBeriShPasSworD
    • Website: Twitter Password: twGibBeriShPasSworD

Password Don’ts:/h3>

  • Do not use your name in any form. That includes your first name, middle name, last name, your name in reverse, etc.
  • Do not use any ID number.
  • Do not use part of your username.
  • Do not use any common name.
  • Do not use a password that is less than 6 characters.
  • Do not use the name of a relative, friend, or pet.
  • Do not use your phone or office number, address, birthday, or anniversary
  • Do not use acronyms, geographical or product names, or technical terms.
  • Do not use any all-numeral passwords.
  • Do not use names from popular culture.
  • Do not use a single word preceded or followed by a digit, a punctuation mark, up arrow, or space.
  • Do not use words or phrases with all the vowels or white spaces deleted.
  • Do not use words or phrases that do not mix upper and lower case, do not mix letters or numbers, or do not mix letters and punctuation.
  • Do not use any word that exactly matches a word in a dictionary whether forward, reversed, or pluralized.

Other tips:

  • Don’t use the same password for 2 accounts or more.
  • Don’t use a duplicated good password example. Create your own.
  • Don’t use sequential or keyboard patterns. Examples:
    • qwerty
    • asdfghjkl
    • 1234
  • Don’t use repeating characters. Examples:
    • ppp000
    • 112233
  • Using 3 or more words is ideal.
  • Switch the order of words. Examples:
    • How are you -> you how are
    • Good morning sunshine! -> Morning! Sunshine good

10 worst passwords of 2011:

  • Password
  • 123456
  • 12345678
  • qwerty
  • abc123
  • monkey
  • 1234567
  • letmein
  • trustno1
  • dragon

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Social Media Fun Facts

Social Media Fun Facts

Who doesn’t use social media? Here are some interesting facts about the most popular social media sites:

  • There are 2.3 billion active social media users.
  • 1 million new active mobile social media users are added every day.
  • Internet users have an average of 5.5 social media accounts.
  • 78% of social media users watch online videos every week.
  • 55% of social media users watch videos every day.
  • As of January 2014, there have been 163.9 million blogs and 72 billion posts on Tumblr.
  • Pizza is the most Instagrammed food.
  • In a month, 500 million visit Twitter without logging in.
  • The name of Twitter was originally “Twttr”.
  • users watch a total of 6 billion videos every day.
  • There are an estimated 81 million fake Facebook profiles.
  • 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  • 10 tweets per second mention Starbucks.
  • 56 million blogposts are published every month on WordPress alone.
  • There are 6000 tweets per second. That’s 500 million per day.
  • Unlike other social media sites, Tumblr users are divided equally gender-wise.
  • There are 3.5 billion Instagram likes per day.
  • The average visit on Tumblr is around 14 minutes, which is more than on Facebook and Twitter.
  • There are a total of 1.3 billion twitter accounts but only 32 million are active.
  • More than 80 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day.
  • Facebook gains 500,000 new users every day.

Email Fun Facts

Email Fun Facts


Nowadays, everybody uses electronic mail or, simply, email. Here are some fun facts that might interest you about it:

  • The typical email word length is between 5 and 43.
  • The average number of words per email is 40.
  • People respond to emails in an average of 47 minutes.
  • Pope John Paul II was the first Pope to ever use the email. His email address was [email protected]
  • The most common email password is “123456”.
  • The first person credit to hit send on a network e-mail message is Ray Tomlinson.
  • In the first half of 2010, 92% of all messages sent all over the Internet were spam.
  • The “@” symbol is known as the “at” symbol in English. It is more formally known as “commercial at”. However, different languages have more interesting names for it:
    • In Dutch, it’s apestaart – “monkey’s tail.”
    • In Italian, it’s chiocciolina – “small snail.”
    • In other languages, it is called “’A’ with an elephant’s trunk”, “mouse’s tail”, “sleeping cat”, “little worm”, and “little duck.”

Common Email Scams To Watch Out For

Common Email Scams To Watch Out For

There are all kinds of scams on the Internet. Here are the top three most common types of scams you should watch out for:

  1. Survey Scam
    • This is the type of scam where the sender pretends to be asking you to participate in some kind of consumer preference survey. This kind of scam is dangerous because it tries to trick users into divulging their personal information. One thing to remember is that unless you’ve specifically requested to be on a survey mailing list, what you’re getting is nothing more than spam.
    • Some of these emails contain links that once clicked on will install malware into your computer. The malware can then record your every move, collect passwords, personal information, banking information, and more. When worst comes to worst, this can lead to a drained bank account or identity theft.
    • Some emails will also offer free gifts. A common rule of thumb is that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  2. Foreign Lottery Scam
    • This is one of the most common types of email scams. You will receive an email that looks like it came from an official foreign lottery corporation.
    • Here’s how you can tell that the e-mail is a scam:
      • The sender is a person and not a lottery company.
      • Your name is not in the “To” field. If your name is not specifically mentioned, then the email has probably been sent to many people and not just you.
    • The lottery doesn’t exist. A quick google search will do the trick.
    • The email requests for information about you. Scammers usually ask for your full name, date of birth, street address, and phone number. Giving out these details may lead to a drained bank account or even identity theft.
    • Remember: If you did not enter the lottery, you cannot win the lottery.
  3. PayPal/Banking Scam
    • There has been a PayPal scam claiming that there’s something wrong with your account. This can also happen to other banks.
    • Here’s how to identify the scam:
      • The sender’s email is suspicious. It’s important to note that PayPal only sends e-mails with the address ending in “”. Anything else is not from PayPal.
    • They do not know who you are. If the email is legitimate, they should know your full name as well as other personal details about you.
    • The linked URL is not legitimate. Hover on the URL first before clicking on it. If the address that appears is not, don’t click.
    • The email includes a threat. The email might claim that you need to take action right away or else your account will be deactivated or terminated.

How To Avoid Scams Online

Now that you know what to avoid, how exactly are you supposed to avoid them? Here’s a list of the things you can do to avoid being a victim of scam:

  1. Delete unwanted emails right away.
  2. Don’t believe promises of money or other prizes.
  3. Carefully examine requests for donations.
  4. Never disclose any personal information.
  5. Hover before you click on any link.
  6. Scan your email for viruses or other malware.
  7. Double check the source of your email using Google.
  8. Do not respond to spam.

Fun Computer Tricks To Prank Your Friends

Fun Computer Tricks To Prank Your Friends

There are many ways to customize your computer. In fact, you can use these customization to prank your friends and family! Here are some of the best pranks you can do. Have a good laugh!



Tape the bottom of their mouse.

Do this on optical mice. The tape will cover the sensor thus the cursor won’t move no matter how much you move the mouse around.





“Freeze” their desktop

Take a screenshot of your friend’s computer and set it as a wallpaper. Watch as your friend tries to click on folders and files that are actually just part of the image. Hide the actual desktop icons to make this even more fun! (See below.)






Make their desktop icons disappear.

Right click on desktop -> View -> Uncheck “Show Desktop Icons”.






Tinker with AutoCorrect.

  • Replace common words that your friend might use with fun alternatives. Example: Change “Hello” into “Good bye.”
  • How this works is that when your friend types a word, it will automatically be replaced by the word you’ve chosen.
  • Tools -> AutoCorrect





Make the mouse sleepy.

This one is sure to get your impatient friends. Change the mouse speed to its slowest by changing the mouse’s properties. You can also make it super fast, but making it super slow is more fun.






Swap the keys around the keyboard.

  • Pop the caps off a few keys and swap them around.
  • Some good choices:
    • Swap 1, 2, 3, with 7, 8, 9.
    • Swap B, N, M with F, G, H.
    • Swap the keys A, S, D, W around.



Turn the screen upside down, or sideways.

  • Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys.
  • Experiment which arrow key produces the best display for you.






Bring on the “Blue Screen Of Death”

  • The Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) is sure to scare anyone.
  • Download the Blue Screen Of Death screensaver and use it on your friend’s computer. You can also set it as a wallpaper. Make sure to hide your friend’s desktop icons as well as the status bar.
  • This will only work for a short while but it’s sure to give your friend a mini heart attack once he sees it.



Make the computer narrate everything.

  • Accessibility features are made for those who need them in order to use their computer properly. However, you can still turn them on even if you don’t need them.
  • Turn the narrator on and adjust the voice settings to loudest for a maximum effect.





Enable high contrast mode.

  • This will simply change what your friend’s display looks like.
  • Alt + Shift + PrtScr
  • Use the same keys to return to normal. Or you can let you friend figure out how to do it.



Change mouse pointer.

  • You can change the mouse pointer to any other cursor you want.
  • The busy icon is probably the most effective.



Change default sounds.

  • Control Panel -> Sound -> Sounds -> Program Events
  • Assign an unusual sound to as many common events as you can.
  • Error, logoff, and fail sounds are the best to mess around with.







Schedule a program to launch every five or so minutes.

  • This trick is probably the hardest to set up but it’s also the one with the most power to annoy.
  • Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler -> Action -> Create task.
  • Give your task a name (whatever you want). Triggers -> New -> Advanced settings -> Check “Repeat task every…” -> Select number of minutes you want on the dropdown menu -> Ok.
  • Actions -> New. The dropdown should default to “Start a program.” Leave it at that. Browse for the program you want to start. Something like Solitaire or Paint is a good bet. Click on Ok. Click on Ok again in the next window.
  • The program you selected will now launch every few minutes.

Best Laptop Brands

Best Laptop Brands

With so many brands in the market, it can be hard to decide which one to choose for your laptop. Here are some of the best laptop brands in the market along with reasons why you should choose them.

1. Apple

  • Known for the MacBooks, Apple has long been known as one of the best laptop brands of all time.
  • Apple MacBooks are known to have high prices but so is the quality. You cannot get better quality than when you buy from Apple.
  • Apple’s SSDs are so much faster than traditional hard drives, reaching up to 4 times faster.
  • There are no moving parts so your MacBook remains secure. Apple produces both its software and hardware so you can be sure that there will be no compatibility issues.
  • Of course, don’t forget the spectacular graphics that Apple has been known for ever since.


2. Hewlett Packard (HP)

  • Hewlett Packard, or more popularly known as HP, is a well-known time-tested brand. In fact, it has been awarded the most trusted and most innovative brands for its products.
  • HP is one of the biggest manufacturers of PCs.
  • Users have provided lots of good feedback when it comes to customer support.
  • HP laptops are definitely among the best, making HP one of the best-selling and trusted brands in the whole world.




3. Dell

  • Dell’s laptops have a variety of price points so you’re sure to find one that fits your budget.
  • In fact, Dell offers several high quality machines at affordable prices.
  • When it comes to warranty, Dell has the best to offer in the market. You probably won’t need it, though, since Dell laptops are unlikely to breakdown. Even if your laptop breaks down, it’s easy to have it fixed.
  • Dell’s computer and laptop parts are extremely easy to fix and repair as well.
  • No need to worry about losing your photos! Dell offers backup image restoration so you’ll still have your images even if your system crashes.

4. Asus

  • Like Dell, Asus also has several price points so you can easily find one that fits your budget.
  • Asus makes great quality laptops. Their designs are usually sleek but are surprisingly sturdy.
  • Asus laptops generally have a long life so if you’re in it for the long haul, perhaps this brand is for you.




5. Lenovo 

  • Aside from Apple, Lenovo makes the best hardware in the whole industry of computers.
  • Their designs are known to be lightweight, thin, tough, and durable.
  • Lenovo is known for its impeccable design, quality, and durability




6. Acer

  • Acer’s laptops are known to be strong and reliable. They almost never have any design or manufacturing flaw.
  • Acer focuses on the inside rather than the outside so their designs are quite simple but the machine runs excellently.
  • Acer’s touchscreen laptops have received good feedback from their users.



7. Toshiba

  • Like Dell, Toshiba is also a long-time trusted brand.
  • Toshiba has the best battery life so if you’re usually on the go and you want a machine that will last for hours, Toshiba is the right brand for you.
  • It also has impressive graphics.
  • Toshiba produces high quality laptops despite affordable prices.



8. Samsung

  • Samsung’s laptops have sleek designs. However, they have been using the same design over the years.
  • Despite being at the last spot in this list, Samsung is actually reliable and provides all-in-one functionalities.
  • Samsung also provides excellent customer service.

How To Protect Yourself Against The Dangers Of The Internet

How To Protect Yourself Against The Dangers Of The Internet

The Internet can be a harmful place if you’re not very careful. Here are some tips that will help you stay on the safe side of the Internet and avoid being a victim of the many dangers of the Internet.

  1. Never give out personal information.
    • This includes your name, address, telephone number, banking details, password, and so on.

  2. In chatrooms, use an alias that does not include anything about your name, age, gender, or location.
    • It is often best to stay anonymous.

  3. Never share passwords with anyone.
    • Children can and probably should share their password with their parents.

  4. Think before you click.
    • What you’re about to click might probably launch a massive virus attack on your computer.

    • When it comes to chatrooms, forums, or the like, don’t post or comment anything that might come off as offensive or rude.

  5. Don’t respond to abusive posting on the Internet. Ignore abusive posts or log off.
    • Learn how to “mute” or “block” an abusive user instead of paying attention to them.

  6. Supervise your children’s computer activities.
    • The Internet is full of criminals, not to mention sexual predators. Keep your children safe on the Internet by making sure you monitor what they view.

  7. Use parental software control as appropriate.
    • Some software allow you to block or filter certain sites for your children’s safety.

  8. If the email you received seems too good to be true, it probably is.
    • Don’t give in to emails that claim that someone is giving you money for no apparent reason.

  9. Don’t click on suspicious ads.
    • Ads are hiding places for all kinds of malicious software. Make sure the ad is genuine before clicking on it.

    • Use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. The more complex, the better. Do not use your name, birthday, pet’s name, or anything that can easily be associated to you.Choose strong passwords.

Also Read:

Dangers Of The Internet

Dangers Of The Internet

Nowadays, nearly everyone has access to the Internet. Even children can easily access all sorts of websites. However, the Internet is not 100% safe and is a brooding ground for all kinds of dangers. Here are some of the dangers of the Internet that you should watch out for in order to stay safe.

1. Cyberbullying

  • Anyone can cyberbully anytime and anywhere. Similarly, you can also be bullied anytime and anywhere. Cyberbullying in some ways is actually more dangerous than bullying because cyberbullying can be done without the physical presence of the bully.

2. Wasting Time

  • It’s easy to spend hours on the Internet. However, spending hours on the Internet may rob you of your time to do other things that are more productive. You may also find yourself making unnecessary purchases as well as surfing websites that won’t necessarily benefit you in the long run.

3. Spam

  • Spam isn’t necessarily harmful or dangerous. However, it might have attachments that contain viruses or other malicious software.

4. Piracy

  • Not only is piracy illegal, it is also bad for the economy. The Internet makes it easy for anyone to download or copy material illegally.

5. Con Artists

  • Many people on the Internet pretend to be someone they are not. They might trick you into stealing money from you and might seem to be real even when they are not.

6. Identity Theft

  • There are many ways in which someone may steal your identity. You might be caught by a scam and unknowingly provide your banking details to criminals who might use them to buy things for themselves.
  • There are software that record your keystrokes and save information that you enter. Your identity can also be stolen this way.
  • Photos that you post on social media can also be easily stolen and used somewhere else for malicious reasons.

Tips For Buying A Home Computer

Tips For Buying A Home Computer

Considering buying a new computer for your home? Here are just some of the things you might to look into and consider before you buy one:

1. Desktop or Laptop? Or Tablet?

If you need a steady workstation and you won’t need to be lugging at around everywhere you go, consider getting yourself a desktop. This will save you money and you can even spend your budget on a computer with higher specifications. One good thing about a desktop is that it is easier to cool since there is more room for powerful fans. Keeping your computer cool ill make sure that the machine lasts longer and will help your computer maintain optimum performance levels. Lastly, it is easier to change or have parts repaired in a desktop.

On the other hand, if you need a computer that you can bring while you’re on the go, the obvious choice is to get a laptop. Actually, if your need for portability isn’t often and you don’t need much more than a word processor and a browser, it might be better for you to get a cheap tablet or a netbook. If you saved some money by buying a desktop computer, you can use it to buy a tablet!

When it comes to laptop screens, consider a matte screen if you’re planning to use a laptop mostly for work. However, a normal glossy LCD screen can do the job if you’re only aiming to use your computer for media.

2. Know the processor and what it means

The processor, simply put, is the brain of your machine. The stronger the processor, the faster your computer will be performing.

The bigger the number, the better. The speed of the chip is directly proportional to how much data it can process at a time. The number of cores functions as a multiplier, as the processor is a stack of cores that each run at the listed speed. For example, a four-core 2GHz processor is definitely much faster than a single-core 2GHz processor.

3. Decide what RAM you want

Nowadays, Random Access Memory or RAM is measured in gigabytes. The more gigabytes there are, the faster and merrier it will be. The RAM affects the speed of your computer and its ability to multitask. It is useful to have more RAM if you want to keep multiple tasks going at the same time and be able to jump between them quickly. Notice how your computer slows down when you have too many browser tabs open? A bigger RAM can fix that.

4. Choosing a hard drive doesn’t have to be hard

Your computer’s hard drive is its storage. Although the RAM also does this, the majority of it will go onto your hard drive. If you plan to have your computer and no peripherals, you might want to opt for the biggest hard drive you can get, since that’s where all your files and programs will be stored. However, if you don’t plan to have many applications on your computer and won’t store much media on it, a smaller hard drive will do the trick and you can save money!



5. Check your peripherals

Here’s a list of peripherals you might want to look into:

  • USB
    • If you want to transfer a lot of data, make sure you have a fast USB port. The latest version of the USB is the USB Type-C, which offers gigabits of bandwidth and the ability to handle enough current to power a laptop.
  • HDMI
    • If you plan to use your computer for entertainment, you need an HDMI output. The HDMI output will allow you to connect your computer to most modern televisions for a high quality visual display. It will also run the audio out if you’re planning to use the TV for sound.
  • SD slot
    • An SD slot can be a handy way to get the files from your camera over to your computer. SD cards can also be used to speed up your computer.
  • Wi-Fi
    • If you’re planning on connecting a lot of networks and you want to do it wirelessly, you’re better off getting a built-in Wi-Fi receiver rather than working with some sort of external Wi-Fi device.
  • Bluetooth
    • Bluetooth is a handy way to make your connections easy and tangle-free!

6. The perfect Operating System

The easiest thing to do is to stick with what you are familiar with, since it can be hard to adjust to a new operating system.

If you want an easy-to-use system that keeps things mostly basic, you might want to check out Mac. If you want to be more in control, you’ll have an easier time doing that on Windows.

It is also worth noting that not every software is available for every operating system so you might want to search the compatibilities first before you make the final cut.

Read also:

Internet Fun Facts

Internet Fun Facts

1. China has treatment camps for Internet addicts.

2. 30,000 websites are hacked every day.

3. There’s high-speed Internet on the way up to Mt. Everest.

4. When Montenegro became independent from Yugoslavia, their Internet domain name went from .yu to .me.

5. 1 in 10 Americans thinks HTML is a sexually transmitted disease.

6. The first webcam was created in Cambridge to check the status of a coffee pot.

7. The most played song on Spotify is “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.

8. Mark Zuckerberg’s original Facebook profile number ID is 4.

9. The first YouTube was uploaded in April 23, 2005. The name of the video is “Me at the zoo.”

10. A single Google query uses 1000 computers in 0.2 seconds to retrieve an answer.

11. Twitter has 250 million users.

12. The first website,, is still online.

13. There are 191.3 million Tumblr blogs.

14. There are 83.1 billion Tumblr posts.

15. You can see how old the Internet is by checking

16. One million babies have been born from people who met on

17. We now spend more time browsing the web on mobile devices than desktop computers.

18. The first emoticon is commonly credited to Kevin Mackenzie. In 1979, it was only -) and didn’t look like a face.

19. Three years later, Scott Fahlman proposed the emoticon 🙂 and has since become the norm.

20. 500 million tweets are sent every day.